Suggested Strategies Using RacingData

Find, refine and manipulate historical horse racing data with our simple and effective horse racing tool. It’ll help you find horses that routinely outrun their price in record time!

How RacingData.Info Assists Your Betting

Like humans, horses and trainers routinely perform in the same way. Identifying these patterns can be extremely lucrative, which is where our tool gives you the jump.

Our tool allows you to look at today’s horse racing, with the foresight and benefit of their historical data.

You can quickly identify which horses have a habit of trading at low before losing, high before winning, half in price, how far their prices drop and even see how their prices deviated before the race. All this information and the tools to filter and refine results, it makes pattern recognition simpler than before.

There are so many ways to use this information. For example, you can combine multiple trends in one race to understand how in-play markets are likely to react (ahead of time).

To understand the tools functions and statistics properly, see the user guide.

Example Betting Strategies:

Here are a few common ways that this tool can help you find key information (in minimal time). 

Dobbing & Trobbing – if you haven’t heard of these acronyms before, DOB and TROB stand for ‘double or bust’ and ‘triple or bust’. You’re aiming to find a horse where it’s price significantly shortens in-play. By backing the horse at the start and laying it off at half the price you stand to either double your stake, or lose it. Thus the name. Trobbing is just the same, except you’re attempting to triple your stake from a super-strong travelling horse. See the % Drop and % DOB figures in our tool to help you find the right horses fast.

Short/High Priced In Running – most punters know the pain of picking a horse that comes second, it really hurts. However, you can use multiple filters in our tool together if you wish to find horses that routinely trade very low or very high before going on to win or lose. Picking the most extreme cases gives you a far higher chance of success. Try doubling up the filters to make sure you don’t get bias results. For example, set your % Drop to 85% and check the ‘Exclude Won‘ filter. You could just find a donkey that routinely hit’s a great value price!

In-Play Betting & Trading – are you an exchange trader? If you are, we probably don’t need to explain. In-Play betting exchange traders look for price anomalies, by picking the edges of in-play price movements it’s possible to cash out for a profit when they revert to mean. By looking at the data, it’s that bit easier to find those weak spots to exploit. 

Backing to Lay & Laying to Back – it’s a popular strategy using the betting exchange. Find yourself a good priced runner that will travel well or take the lead using the data, then track the race activity live, choosing your exit. It’s all about limiting the downside but letting those profits run (quite literally). If you’re laying to back you want to find a short-priced starter that will trade higher, on the flip side, you want to back a bigger one that will shorten. Just remember not to be greedy! If you take a look at the data each day, you’ll see some huge prices trading very low.

Pre-Race Trading – We’ve added in the PR Drift and PR Steam percentages for pre-play data. These are there as a guide for pre-race traders and punters. It’s not a perfect science although there are often patterns in how people bet before the start of a race. Seeing a horse that consistently has a high PR Steam figure is another variable for your decision making. Is it a gambling yard? are they on the horse this time? keep an eye out!

Mapping a Race – We’re looking a little more advance now, although specialist racing fans like to map out a horse races activity. If you’ve got a query or want to confirm previous activity, comparing the different statistics of individual horses in any race can be useful. Is the favourite likely to trade higher in running whilst another’s % Drop is high every time? You have to think about these things, what are the other horses likely to do in any given race? Why not compare their data for yourself?!

A Final Thought:

You’ve may have heard about some of these betting strategies before. Just remember, the key to success is not a blanket approach but refining the right information to provide the very best chances of success. 

We’re sure there are more ways to use the vast range of data on offer, these are just a few ideas to help you get started!

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